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Ornamentation: Decorations that can be added to melodies to create extra interest.



Also known as a grace note.  The acciaccatura is squashed in before the beat.  If more than one note is shown in small type then they are all inserted before the next beat, played as quickly as possible.





A type of unprepared suspension.  The appoggiatura takes half of the rhythmic value of the note to which it is attached.





Moving back and forth between two notes as quickly as possible.  Normally found at cadences and sometimes accompanied by a wavy line that shows the length of the trill.





A four-note pattern: The note above, the note itself, the note below and the note itself again.  The turn is played either on or after the beat on which it is written, depending on the length of the note.  If the pattern starts on the lower note rather than the upper, the turn symbol  has a vertical line drawn through it or is rotated 90 degrees.




Two notes crushed in before the main note: the note itself and the note either one step above or below.  Upper mordents are shown by a short squiggle, and lower mordents are shown by a squiggle with a vertical line through.





Also known as a pause.  Extends the length of the note to which it is attached. Often found at cadences, particularly at the end of compositions.





Also known as portamento.  A slide between two specified notes.  The aim is to achieve movement as legato as possible between notes.



Pitch Bend

Pitch Bend

A light distortion of the pitch of a note, creating a leaning effect.



Note of Anticipation

Note of Anticipation

A note that is sounded before the rest of the chord.



Auxiliary Note

Auxiliary Note

A variety of passing note.  Instead of proceeding to a new note, the auxiliary note returns to the note it has just left.  Auxiliary notes can be upper or lower, diatonic or chromatic.  The effect of an auxiliary note is similar to a slowed-down mordent.





A type of passing note.  Instead of joining two notes together, the echappee overshoots the note it is aiming for and then doubles back on itself.



Passing Note

Passing Note

A note that fills in the gaps between notes in the melody, creating a smoother line.



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